Metal photo prints with a proprietary display feature

metal wrap around


We offer many display and hanging options with our Metal photo prints.  All have special features and benefits.  Metal photo prints with the float option is modern, affordable and a simple design. We attach a 1″ wooden block in back in the middle of the metal so when hung floats off the wall by 1″. A few years back we decided we wanted to create a display option that was unique, chic and proprietary.  Come up with something that would rock our customers socks off. The result, our Metal Box.

The metal box is offered in white and brushed aluminium and up to  sizes 40-60 ” It fits together like a  jigsaw puzzle  , once put  together, it transforms into a design marvel.    The Box is made of dibond which offers  many benefits. Its light, print is scratch proof and can even withstand the harshest of climates .The box depth is  1.5 ” and resembles a gallery wrapped canvas. Metal photo prints looking like a painting, who knew!

metal inside of box

The most unique feature of the box is that your image can print over the fold and be seen from  the side when hung on the wall much like a painting. If you choose not to have your image printed on the sides it will remain the colour of the white or brushed metal. Designers, decorators and photographers like the Box because its uniqueness and look. Being able to wrap around the sides of the box is a feature that seems to receive the most praise. The weight and the ease of hanging also makes it a user friendly product.  Today we  ship a 40-40 ” Metal box and it weighed only 15LBS including the packaging.



Marketed as the premium Metal  photo print display option, the price is higher then our float, mount or stand-off options.  Each box entails bending, folding and putting together by our trained staff.  A 40-40 ” Box  will cost $390.00 plus $80.00 shipping.  Expensive, but not over the top.  If you  qualify as a professional there is 15% discount. If you need more information concerning our Metal  photo prints please call or email.